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Workers at Keloshi Dam in Radhanagari were stranded due to lockdown and distributed food grains to their families.

Workers at Keloshi Dam in Radhanagari were stranded due to lockdown and distributed food grains to their families.

As per the suggestion of Anil Pawar, Founder / President of Helping Hand Foundation NGO, Kolhapur District Vice President Deepak Kamble, Kolhapur District Sachin Yuvraj Kamble (Kaulavkar), Kolhapur Women Vice President Mrs. Kalpana Bhosale Radhanagari Taluka President Laxman Kamble, Yuvraj Kamble, Vimal Patil locked the keloshi. Heartfelt thanks to all the team for successfully distributing foodgrains to the families affected by the downfall. Yours sincerely Rupesh Adolikar President Kolhapur District

Event Date : Apr 28 2020
Venue : Kolhapur

Workers at Keloshi Dam in Radhanagari were stranded due to lockdown and distributed food grains to their families. - Photo Gallery

Workers at Keloshi Dam in Radhanagari were stranded due to lockdown and distributed food grains to their families. - Video Gallery

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